Sirens wailing, doors slamming and Chinese food. Barely over 18, but his profile is followed by over 7000 users on SoundCloud. On the recommendation of RobotDeck, I have visited Bálint Rubóczki AKA glxy in his home, who has been producing better and better beats since only a year ago. When not creating, he studies English Studies at the University. This time, however, examination period was not the topic we were talking about.
Photo: Daniel Fülöp
As we have learned during our previous interview, the genre of Cloud is not well known. How did you stumble upon this trend?
It was 3-4 years ago, that I started to get acquainted with Cloud Trap, and the more I listened to it, the more I wanted to try myself in making music. I admit it, I made very lame things at first, but I am glad I learned the self-taught way – and not through internet tutorials.
Even though you only started making music a year ago, your Soundcloud profile already has thousands of followers. How do you feel about such a success?
On the one hand I am really glad about it, on the other hand I find it very surprising, as I don’t know who are these people and how did they get there? (laughs) My first successful song was Chinese Food Takeaway, which was replayed by over 75 000 people. I composed that at a time when I was having a lot of Chinese food, so the song was created under that influence. By the way, I have another project besides glxy, which is Shell Sport. I founded this project with Adrian, a friend of mine living in America, who is known on Soundcloud as Prayer. Even though we knew from the beginning that we both make music, our first conversation was about GTA. Then we became friends and started to make music together. We make beats through Skype – one of us begins it, the other continues, until the beat takes form.
Maybe it is because there are ten years between us, that I find it peculiar that you consider a fellow musician your friend, without ever meeting him in person. Do you guys not feel a need for meeting offline?
We already know each other for one and a half years, and we can talk everyday online the same way we work together. Of course, it would be cool to hang out together, but at the moment that is impossible. However, if all goes well, he will visit Hungary this summer, and we might even give a live performance together. By the way, I have a friend I have known online for 3 years and we still haven’t met offline.
Photo: Daniel Fülöp
How would you describe your music to someone has not yet heard about you?
Cloud Trap has a wide variety of styles. I would rather refer to my project, glxy, as Future Garage. Shell Sport is Cloud, but we represent an abstract voice even in the genre. We try to sneak unusual melodies into our music, and create something different. My latest glxy EP is pure Garage music, I have not made Cloud Trap beats for a while now.
I cannot imagine myself as a guitarist, for example, because it would really bother me, if made mistakes during a concert. I rather compose music at home, in my room, and make everything perfect.
Cloud Trap is not well known in Hungary yet. Can you tell us about this scenario?
There is really only a few of us, who play this kind of music, so we try to keep together as much as possible. We have a party series called ELEVATED where we play together. Our next party, called BEATSIMOGATÓ will take place in Müszli on the 25th of February.
It is not only Cloud Trap that counts as young in our country, you are very young too. How do you feel in this music community?
It surprises me, that I am among them at this age and that I can perform with them. It feels a bit strange, as if I would not fit in because of my young age. Surely, others do not see it that way, it might only feel like that for me.
How is living in Budapest inspiring you?
I am from a small village next to Nyíregyháza, called Napkor, which is basically in the middle of nowhere. I moved to Budapest exactly one year ago, and this environment is much more inspiring than Napkor. At home I have not been going out, I have not even gone to parties at Nyíregyháza often, because there were no clubs that would play music that suits my taste. In contrast, Budapest has a lot of events I can go to.
What do security guards say when they see you going to your live act?
First they were just staring, like, who am I, and where am I going? Then I told them I’m going to play live here, and they shrugged their shoulders and said: well okay… (laughs)
What do your parents think about the music you make?
They support in everything, while holding it important that I finish university.
Once my grandfather listened to my music and said only this: ‘I don’t know what people like about this, but if they like it and you can make money, keep on making it!’ (laughs)
Do the neighbors take it well?
Usually no one is home during the day except for one old man in the basement, who listens to the radio very loud. Most of the time even louder than my music. It is like we’re fighting each other those times. (laughs)
RobotDeck told me that you only use an iPhone earphone when working on your music, that is all your equipment.
I really don’t have any special gadgets other than my earphones, except for this speaker that is a remainder of school parties. I don’t even use samplers, I only play notes. Sometimes I take my phone and record different sounds, like the slamming of a door. Last time I recorded the sound of a toy xylophone.
Photo: Daniel Fülöp
And now it is your turn to name the next musician in our series of Interviews.
I thought about Viktor Sági, who other than being the guitarist of Amoeba, is also the head of the ELEVATED collective. He was the first one to notice me when I started making music, and he was the first one to invite me to play live last May. I also like how he brings funky elements to his music. He is a musician of high caliber, who would deserve much more attention.
Written by: Vince Tompos
Transleted by: Gergely Kovács
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